It’s easy to feel bombarded by fashionable diets and exercise rituals – and hard to find a voice of authority amid the noise. Corperformance is the brainchild of two qualified doctors, Fred Wadsworth & Adam Carey. They conceived of a sensible programme with a medically tailored approach at its core that demystifies wellness and produces truly effective results.
‘When the owner of Hampshire II introduced me to Fred and Adam I was an unhealthy 35 year old who weighed 89 kilos’ admits Chris Cecil-Wright, ‘but after 3 months on their programme I weighed 73 kilos, and still do 6 years later.’ Corperformance personally educated Chris on nutrition and exercise, with what he calls a basic understanding of biology: ‘what they teach, sticks. I’m a true believer. I’m as fit now as when I left Sandhurst; in fact, I’ve walked to both the North and South Poles with Fred.’
Fred and Adam have worked extensively with top teams in British football, rugby and cricket, as well as with gold medallist Olympians such as rower James Cracknell. ‘We then took our revolutionary approach to elite performance in the sporting field and put it in the boardroom,’ explains Fred, ‘working with groups of clients from big banks and leading companies.’ The parallels between professional sport and the corporate environment – the pressure, long hours and demand for intense productivity – were instantly recognizable to the Corperformance team, ‘We understand corporate lifestyle and deliver a proactive outcome with
a high level of supervision.’
Corperformance has recently launched a one-on-one client support system called Vitalis. Expert clinical coaching is delivered at the client’s convenience over the first six months, in which time, Fred insists, the programme will drive long-lasting behavioural change. ‘We come to you to do a detailed medical assessment which is followed by the educational component’ says Fred, ‘we ask where you are now, where you are going and if you are in control of your journey.’ The powerful combination of tailored advice, the development of ‘personalized resilience strategies’ and an approach to managing lifestyle and activity time can be life-changing: ‘A client in his 60’s who is a founder and former chairman of a FTSE100 tech company tells us he is sleeping better, is beating his tennis coach and is skiing more days a year than he has ever been able to before.’
If life is more demanding than your body’s resources will allow, poor health and disease could lie in that deficit. ‘80% of people think they’re eating well and they’re not,’ say Fred, ‘and we now know that insulin is the hub of all western lifestyle diseases. We’re not selling life insurance and just stopping you from getting diabetes later, you will feel so much better now. You will recover your work life balance – because we will give you the compass and
the map.’
“We coach the change that you think you can’t achieve"
Dr Fred Wadsworth,
Co-founder, Corperformance.