A lifelong love for all things nautical began with a cold-water baptism in dinghies on the Solent before a gap year took me to the warmer waters of the Whitsunday’s where I skippered yacht charters. I was initially destined for a life of military service but a paragliding accident cut short my aspirations so at that point my only conceivable choice was to combine my passions for yachts with a career. As Camper and Nicholson’s had supplied boats for army team building, so this seemed a port of call for a job.
My first yacht sale helped clarify and shape future business plans for as I realised the most successful yacht brokerages were based on strong client relationships along of course with team credibility, delivering what you promise and excellent product knowledge.
Career milestones have been the builds of MADAME GU, TANGO and HAMPSHIRE II but it is the relationships behind those constructions that have really left their mark. Shipyard owners and CEOs, designers, captains, project managers, lawyers, bankers and of course the Owners, all play an integral role in a project. Every completion ignites a shared sense of achievement. Ultimately, it’s about natural rapport and a mutual commitment to quality, integrity and authenticity.
The Cecil Wright business is built on these principles.

Office: +44 20 7408 1001