With work in the industry spanning three decades, our multilingual Charter Management team is highly respected and trusted by a large network of fellow brokers worldwide.
When clients and captains repeatedly come back to us with new yachts to manage or recommend us to their friends and colleagues, it speaks volumes about not only our long-standing relationships but our collective knowledge and skills.
We believe in giving realistic predictions, always preferring to underpromise and overdeliver. The most important factors for charter success are pricing the yacht correctly and the quality of the crew and amenities onboard, followed by the Central Agent providing fast, accurate and honest interaction with industry brokers.
Our six Central Agency yachts – 76m Amels BOADICEA, 74m Trinity COCOA BEAN, 60m A&R ARIENCE, 56m Perini ZENJI, 55m Amels SAMIRA (new to 2023), 44m Fitzroy MES AMIS and 36m Inace Yachts ZULU – were fully booked during summer 2022 (where availability was given).
We analyse all enquiries to identifydemands and trends, and this research guides us in planning for the following season. In summer 2022, our combined fleet received over 740 separate enquiries, totalling an impressive 7,167 days of charter (May – September inclusive).
The West Mediterranean remained the most popular, with a 79% share of the enquiries, followed by 18% for the East Mediterranean, 2% for Northern Europe (Norway, Greenland, Scotland) and the remaining 1% split between Central America, the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea and Saudi Arabia.
In the West Mediterranean, excluding enquiries that were flexible with embarkation ports, Italy was by far the most popular destination (claiming 30% of enquiries) followed by France (22%) and 5% for the Balearics (due to the relaxation in obtaining a charter license).
In the East Mediterranean, excluding those who were flexible with embarkation ports, Greece was the most popular with 65% of the enquiries, followed by Croatia with 25%.
The charter market is healthy and this is a great opportunity for yacht owners wishing to capitalise on their asset. Ultimately our goal is to maximise our clients’ charter income and we are flexible, open to discussion and happy to work around the yacht’s schedule and the owner’s personal use of the yacht.

For more information, contact Liz Cox and Vanessa Buck on:
liz@cecilwright.com / vanessa@cecilwright.com
or call +33 6 72 54 36 82 /
+44 20 7408 1001