Vita and Ryan's 470 Campaign - August Update

Cecil Wright & Partners are delighted to sponsor Vita's campaign to make the 2024 Olympic Games.

THIS IS IT - this Olympic cycle is now ours for the taking!

What an exciting month! We’ve had lots of changes and new things to be thinking about. Now post Olympics, this is our time to shine! This is where the battle gets real. 5 teams competing for one spot in the Olympic trials which begin in 2022/2023. We have about 18 months to work our socks off before crunch time. We believe in ourselves and know we can be the best if we do everything right from now on. We have had successes and made our mistakes, we learn from both and are prepared to give it our all this cycle; whatever it takes!

After the post-Games limbo-zone the energy is starting to wind back up. It all feels real now. We have to be the next ones to medal for our nation at the Olympic Games. And we have just 3 years to do it!

We need to throw everything we’ve got at these next 18 months; training, coaching, kit investment, events, fitness, theory, learning and achieving. If we don’t go above and beyond the other teams we are leaving the selection to chance. We want to secure that Olympic spot before we even go to the trials events.

After the Olympics we had a well needed break from 470s after a season of intense training and events. It was a good opportunity to do some keelboat sailing at Cowes Week on a J112E and the Etchells Europeans with David Franks. Since then we have been winding the 470 campaign back up by self-training in Lymington to get back into it. It has been really good to do a couple of weeks at our own pace and blow off those cobwebs!

We are also getting our kit ready for autumn events and training so have been in the boat shed for a week working away! The sheep and hay have been kicked out the barn and we have now turned it into our 470 HQ!

We’ve had a big letdown as Princess Sophia in Palma has been cancelled. Our whole autumn training plans were centred around that event. So instead of going to Palma we will join many other foreign teams and head out to Lake Garda for the Italian nationals and training (not a bad alternative!). this is a bit sooner than we had planned on going away so were in a bit of a rush to get all the kit and logistics up together!

Upcoming events… 

• Princess Sophia - Palma, Spain, 2-9 October: the first major event post-Olympics, so we’ll get a chance to race against all the new teams! [CANCELLED]
• Italian Nationals - Lake Garda, Italy, 22-26 September (will effectively replace the Princess Sophia regatta)

We need a new boat for our trials. This is the best time to get a boat as all the Olympic teams have theirs for sale at a cheaper price than importing a new one from the factory in NZ. The Games boat from the Olympic teams is £13,000. If anyone could help out, big or small, on this cost I cannot explain how much of a game-changer that would be. To win the trials we need the best boat.  

Please please share this with anyone who you think might be interested; they have the chance to help our team go to the Olympic Games! We need the funds now more that ever to get that jump over our competition. Unfortunately, in the sport of sailing there is a direct correlation between money and success.

We are immensely grateful to everyone who has been supporting us, you support and encouragement means a lot to us and gives the confidence to keep fighting! Not long now until our Olympic trials!

As always, any contribution to travel, accommodation, entry costs (etc) will be massively appreciated and will go a long way!

 If you want to help us out on our journey to Paris 2024 or want to chat, then please give us a call! Vita – 07586349225 Email –

For some gnarly pics and updates on our progress, check out:


Ryan and Vita's 470 Campaign - July 2021 Update


Ryan and Vita's 470 Campaign - May 2021 Update


Ryan and Vita's 470 Campaign - April 2021 Update

Contact the team