Vita and Ryan's 470 Campaign - February Update

March 2020 - from Vita and Ryan

The time has come! World Championship time!

Palma pre-worlds training - downwind pumping. OOSH! In the new boat sponsored by Cecil Wright & Partners

We have been now in Palma for 10 days training in prep for the World Championships, starting on the 13th of March. It is so important before an event to spend time in the venue getting used the the conditions and exploring the patterns of the sailing area. 

The new boat has been claimed and she’s a beauty! We’ve been putting in the hours to get used to the new and improved systems. We’re doing our best to protect her from the sand of Palma beach - it gets everywhere! 

Trying to get all those last minute gains before racing starts with a 5 day stint of training with a 5 time Olympian! 

It has been quite an experience being out here in Palma with all the big dogs! Racing against them at Arenal training regatta was such a unique learning opportunity, and a first time one for Vita. This may well be the toughest World Championships we will EVER do. All the Olympic teams will be competing and are at their prime, most of whom have been racing 470s for over 5, if not 10 years! Additionally the combined Mens and Mixed fleet will provide top quality racing. 

It will be a massive achievement if we make the gold fleet. Probably not many mixed teams will make this cut, but no one really knows! 

However it is critical that we don’t let performance pressures affect us, we must keep cool headed and maintain our processes and routines throughout this high pressure event in order to optimise our chances of a Mixed medal. Palma has been delivering good conditions so far so we pray for it to continue 🙏 

May the best team win! 

Upcoming events...
• World Championships, Palma, 18-21 March
• Hyeres regatta, 18-25 April
• European Championships, Hyeres, 4-13 May

As you can see this is the busiest time of year for events. With 4 major events early this summer and a further 3 (Junior Worlds, Junior Europeans, Kiel Week) later on, entry fees take a major toll on our campaign budget! With each event costing around 355 euros to enter. If you are able to help with this expense, we would be thankful for any help we can get. 

With 2 events in Hyeres, we will be spending 20 days out there. If anyone could help out at all with accommodation or knows someone who could, it would be much appreciated. 

We are monumentally grateful for all the help we have already received, with things like accommodation, coaching expenses, sails and the boat! Our campaign would not be feasible without it.

If you want to help us out on our journey to Paris 2024 or want to chat, then please give us a call!
Vita – 07586349225
Ryan – 07713098136
Email – 

For some gnarly pics and updates on our progress, check out:

Vr470 V4

Ryan and Vita's 470 Campaign - New Boat Launch! Feb 2020


Ryan and Vita's 470 Campaign - January 2020 Update

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