Become the norm, rather than the exception

08 March 2021 - By Clare Sidwell, Superyacht News

With an inherent passion for yachting and the French Riviera, Liz Cox, partner at Cecil Wright & Partners, has been able to spend her career thus far combining her passion for both. Cox’s experience within the yachting industry spans across crew recruitment, brokerage and yacht management – all of which demonstrate the fantastic skillset she has acquired, and her wide breadth of knowledge across the industry.

On International Women’s Day, Cox has shared some words of wisdom with SuperyachtNews, for both those within the industry and those at the beginning stages of their journey. “Always push yourself to work outside of your comfort zone and where there is an opportunity to try something new, in a different department, go for it! Having an understanding of different areas of any industry will only enhance your knowledge and empathy when you find your perfect position later down the line,” Cox begins. “Never be fearful to ask questions so that you keep learning."

"Having an understanding of different areas of any industry will only enhance your knowledge and empathy when you find your perfect position later down the line" - Liz Cox, Partner - Cecil Wright & Partners

When asked whether her professional journey thus far has ever been more challenging than the men in similar roles to her, Cox agreed that this has certainly been the case; “When first starting out in yacht management, it was not so noticeable, but once I had started to move up and try to get into senior management, the opportunities (both in terms of role definition, promotion, and financial) were definitely more limited. Up until now, I feel like I’ve always had to prove myself more than any male counterpart would."

Cox’s passions are yachting and travel, and this is part of what has motivated and driven Cox throughout her career. But there is another driving force. “I would also say that I am passionate about striving for perfection, and providing the best level of service I can, whether that be to a captain, my boss or the ultimate client,” Cox continues.

“When things have become challenging, I have learnt to take a step back, breathe and remind myself how I have got to where I am. I try to take control of my emotion and channel it rather than let it overwhelm – it doesn’t always work though! I’m lucky to have worked with some amazing captains and brokers who have given me the confidence to keep going."

One of the highlights of Cox’s career was when she was working on the Sherpa explorer yacht project. “The project started as a simple support vessel but quickly morphed into a full explorer superyacht with the most detailed interior, even for a Feadship. We had quite a few challenges along the way but we had such a great team that we knew anything was possible,” recalls Cox, emphasising the group effort of all individuals working on the project.

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